Victoria St. Apartments


Mixed use project developed by Co.Develop, a young and innovative development firm based in Melbourne, Victoria. The project followed a collaborative model where the end clients had a strong input throughout the entire length of the design and construction stages.

Focusing on a collaborative approach, forming a dynamic team with the developer, the architect, the builder and the end clients, the project was able to provide dwellings around 50% larger than the average apartment in Richmond, increasing affordability to families who want to live in inner city neighborhoods, walking distance to activity centers and close to the CBD.

The architectural design had a strong industrial approach, emphasizing the character and history of Richmond, one of the most active neighbourhoods in the city of Melbourne.

Location: Richmond, Victoria, Australia.
Typology: Mixed Use
Studio RCA
Client: Co.Develop
Year: 2022
Status: Complete
Builder: Jardon Group.

Photography: Tess Kelly copyright Co.Develop